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Edizioni 3ntini
Periodici Libri One-Shot Eventi Video 3D Art Cd Download
Celticaravan 1 - Le più belle feste Celtiche d'Europa
Trigallia 1999
Trigallia 2001
Trigallia 2003
Celtica Cormayeur
Grünwald, La Grande Battaglia
Celtic Warrior
Video Tattoo
del tatuaggio

Clan Wallace - Live in Trigallia 2003
Venigallia 2004
La battaglia dei tre Imperatori"

Subject: History
Italian language
Price: 8.90 Euros

vai alla pagina in italiano

Austerlitz (Czech Republic), 2nd December 1805: a battle was fought to decide the fate of Europe. 70,000 men from Napoleon’s infantry and cavalry, plus their 139 cannons, met with the 80,300 infantrymen, 5,400 cavalrymen and no fewer than 278 cannons of the Austro-Russian army.
This documentary depicts the historical re-enactment of the Battle of Austerlitz, which is held annually at Brno, attracting hundreds of re-enactors from Italy and elsewhere. It shows a surreal, snow-covered landscape from another time that is the impressive background for one of the most spectacular reconstructions of the scene.

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