"Celticaravan: le più belle feste celtiche
Celtic interest
Italian language
Price: 8.90 Euros
www.celticaravan.com |
A journey through
time, places, music and everyday life in search of Celtic
heritage in modern day Europe. From Hallstatt, where the first
Celts settled, to Lorient, where the largest modern gathering
takes place, the itinerary takes in thousands of kilometres. The
journey was made one summer, in the two "Celticaravans" that
travelled to the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Switzerland,
Italy, France, England, the Isle of Man, Cornwall, Wales,
Scotland, Ireland and Spain.
We chose to view first hand the existence of a shared European
feeling based on common ancient traditions by travelling from
country to country, over a short period of time, following a
trail of archaeological sites and festivals.
From Bohemia to Spain via Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland,
France, Ireland, Scotland, England, the Isle of Man, Wales,
Cornwall, Brittany, Asturias and Galicia: the journey enabled us
to compare distant places over a short space of time and proved
the best method for our research. This first cassette includes
all the festivals that Celticaravan went to: Teotoburgo, Lorient
(France), Prague, Trigallia in Argenta, Celtica Courmayeur,
William Wallace Day in Scotland and many more magical locations.
For further information about the "Celticaravan" journey visit
the web-site:
www.celticaravan.com |