3ntini first ventured into publishing in 1984, with the comic
strip and music fanzine Nuvola Bianca. Illustrations,
photographs, graphic design, video and music have been the driving
force behind this creative publishing house for years. It is
dedicated to exploring undiscovered areas and experimenting with
new and exciting forms of communication.
Over nearly twenty years the publisher has often anticipated the
latest trends by focussing on specialist subjects just before they
became hugely popular. The group was based in Milan from 1987 to
1992, where it provided a service for other publishers and set up
around twenty new titles for the market, ranging from teen
magazines to cultural interest publications.
The publishing group is currently based in Argenta, in the Po
Delta, and is made up of three components:
3ntini Service the company that owns the brands,
titles and copyrights. It takes care of written articles, graphic
design and editing.
3ntini Editore the publisher that produces and distributes
the finished products put together by 3ntini Service and other suppliers.
Stampa Trentini the printer that prints most of the
group’s products, especially high quality ones that require
special care. Nuvola Bianca rolled out of the same
printshop way back in 1984. There is now a specialist packaging
plant in Argenta while the printing is done in Bologna using three
Man Roland five-colour seventy per cent machines.
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