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Irlanda dvd
Trigallia 2001
Celticaravan 1 - Le più belle feste Celtiche d'Europa
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Gathering dvd

trigallia 2001

For order:

"Trigallia 2001"

1 VHS - 25 minutes
Subject: Celtic interest
Italian language
Price: 7.70 Euros




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Historical reconstruction, great concerts on the stage, amazing shows around the bonfires, stages and amusements for adults and children, Celtic market, arts and crafts, exhibitions of Celtic art, lectures and more.
Trigallia Celtic Festival catalyzes anybody is keen on the Celtic matter. You have to wait two years for each edition of the event and every time it gives you fantastic emotions. This festival draws big audience from every place of the Italian peninsula and from abroad too: 23,000 people at the 2001 festival.
What happens at Trigallia? It takes place in the marvellous Park of the “Pieve di S. Giorgio” (a small church dedicated to St. George); here you can find a reconstruction of a Celtic village inspired to the Iron Age, the historical groups of re-enactment enliven it with ancient daily jobs and the people may enter freely in the Living History scene. In the combat ring the Celtic warriors test their ability doing games of skill with swords and shields, doing battles with the torches, dangerous hand-to-hand fighting and other surprises. In the beginning and in the end of every night you can attend the ceremony of fire ignition. Every night the stage for the concerts livens up with light games, on the tide of the music and everything around the festival area becomes magic, lighted up just with torches and bonfires.

Trigallia Celtic Festival is a biannual event.
For further informations about the "Trigallia" festival visit the website: www.trigallia.com
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