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Trigallia 2003
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trigallia 2003

For order:


“Trigallia 2003”

Subject: Celtic interest
Italian language
Price: 7.70 Euros




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The fourth Trigallia Celtic Festival has been called “mythical” and it’s remembered as the longer Italian Celtic event of the year 2003. It was a 9 days non-stop party with a growing wave of involvement and emotions. It has risen to the top on Sunday, 29th June, with the great battle between Gauls and Romans. The reconstructed Celtic village in the park where Trigallia is held since the beginning, was inspired to the ancient Celts and many re-enactment groups have lived inside it as the craftsmen and the farm’s animals. Over thirty historical groups (calling themselves “tribe”, “teuta” or “clan”) have carried out stages for the people; furthermore the same historical groups acted in duels and many other shows. But, like usual, it’s the night that makes the event unique, when the festival area becomes magic, lighted up just with torches and bonfires. The stage for the concerts livens up with light games, artists and live music. The fire is always the great protagonist in the historical happenings: at the sunset with the ritual ignition in the village and in the exciting theatrical show "Gauls and Etruscans of the Po Delta"; then, after the midnight a great bonfire is ignited for the courage test... the jump through the flames!

Trigallia takes place in Argenta (Ferrara), it’s a biennial festival and celebrates the Summer’s Solstice.
For further information about Trigallia Celtic Festival visit the website: www.trigallia.com 

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