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Video Tattoo
Videoenciclopedia del Tatuaggio
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Venigallia 2004
Celtica Courmayer
Celtic Warrior
Grünwald, La Grande Battaglia


For order:

"Video Tattoo Encyclopaedia"
Produced in association with Biotek Tattoo & Piercing
5 VHS cassettes

Subject: Tattooing
Available in the following versions: Spanish and German.
Price: 93.00 Euros

vai alla pagina video enciclopedia tattoo in italiano

video tattooThe most complete video collection on Body Art techniques.
The five videos, all available in either Italian, Spanish or German, show in great detail all the steps, problems, tools, secrets and tricks of professional tattoo artists. It can't be described as a video "course", since Body Art must be learnt by practical experience on the body and skin, under the guidance of an expert. We should never forget that tattoo and piercing practitioners have a great responsibility.
The "Tattooing Video-encyclopaedia" contains a brief historical background and presents detailed descriptions of the following topics:
the tattoo studio, equipment, the position and designs, machines and needles for tattoos and permanent make-up, including instructions for setting them up and registering them, sterilization and hygiene standards for the workplace, tools, the operator, the customer, colour, techniques for producing outlines, shading and filling in, and finally post-tattoo care. What more could you ask for!
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