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Edizioni 3ntini
Periodici Libri One-Shot Eventi Video 3D Art Cd Download
Video Tattoo
Celticaravan 1 - Le più belle feste Celtiche d'Europa
Venigallia 2004
Celtica Cormayeur
Celtic Warrior
Grünwald, La Grande Battaglia

celtic warrior
"Celtic Warrior"

Computer Graphics
3D Technology
by Luca Tarlazzi

Celtic interest
Italian and English language
Original soundtrack

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The Celtic Warrior is an innovative production created using new computer graphics technology.
The story of the Celts is updated and told in an original, interesting way.
There are realistic replicas of ancient objects that can only be see in museums., as well as pages of history given new life by the powerful, evocative, artistic images.
Gorgeous 3D images set out the faithful historical reconstruction of the video. The impact is explosive with amazing illustrations and animation that recreates and take you on an exciting journey to see legendary and mythical feats.
Were Celtic Warriors bloodthirsty and vicious or did they form the basis for the later order of the Knights of the Round Table?
We'll travel back in time to discover more about these characters.
What were their values? What was their position socially and spiritually?
By means of split-up drawings, animation and technical information we will find out about their fighting techniques and the weapons they used.
The Celts were the Iron Men. They were the first to forge this metal with a higher level of skill and new techniques that were established by their contemporaries. They perfected wagons for battle and designed weapons that all societies would adopt: the long sword and the tall shield. The shield was not only meant to protect the body from enemy blows but also acted as an actual attacking weapon to fight back with.
The long shield covered much of the face and amplified the battle cries of the warriors too.
Celtic Warriors were the most feared of all. The Latin historian Strabone wrote: "All the Britons colour themselves with woad, which gives them a deep blue colour, so they look more fearsome in battle".
The Celts fought naked and wore torques around their necks.
The torque was not simply an ornament but above all a great catalyst of energy, as was the horned helmet.
The story of the Celtic Warrior goes hi-tech with fantastic 3D images, amazing historical reconstructions and settings. The mythical legend of the Celtic Warrior meets the advanced technology of computer graphics.
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